Sunday, June 1, 2014

2-Hour Presentations

Senior Presentations

1.  What presentations did you see?
      -Teaching Biology, Educational Nonprofit Management, Creating a Franchise, Forensic Science, Teaching 1st Grade, Bikram Yoga, Public Defender, Computer Science, Angioplasty, Hippotherapy, Pharmaceutical, Linguistics, Hip Hop Dance Choreography, Theater Acting, Business Management, and Marine Biology. 

2.  What questions do you have that haven't been answered about the senior project? This can be about the senior project in general, any components or about a presentation topic you saw or what they said.  

      -In general, I'm confused about the talking time because some times there were people trying to make 30 minutes and others an hour. 
      -And, I was wondering how the overarching description can be so different from the presentation. Like, Business Management turned into How to Run a Spa basically. And Forensic Science became how to better prevent people from using drugs. 

3. What has the most important part of the senior project based on what you are seeing in the 2-hour presentations?

       -From what I saw was that they needed 3 answers and to choose the best one. And also they kept talking about sources so we are probably going to be graded on deep research. 

4. What topic are you considering doing and why?

      -I want to do something law related because I want to be a lawyer and the lawyers I have talked to say that they regret not having enough internships and experience. 

5. What are you doing for your summer mentorship?

      -At Nisa's Public Defender presentation I asked her if I could get into contact with her uncle who is a lawyer and do my internship with him. I emailed and await a response.